Mobile devices can range from your everyday laptops to your small but versatile smartphones but what's gonna be explained in the following is going to be about smartphone devices.
Smartphone devices are a huge step into the technology world they are designed to connect with people using a vast range of social media thus bringing people closer together.
These devices are compact they usually fit in your pocket and are fitted with a special card this card is called a sim card depending on the brand of the card gives the card a particular first 3 number for example if your a New Zealand resident and your going with Vodafoneā¢ your first three numbers will be "021" And if you are with 2Degreesā¢ your first three numbers will be "022".
But those are just the first three numbers numbers if you are a New Zealand resident are usually 11 numbers total and each are different.
Mobile phones can be personalised to your liking things you can edit things such as brightness to reduce the speed of the battery power deducting,you may edit your privacy settings this may iclude establishing a passcode to prevent people from accessing your private information etc.
A mobile device may be used to listened to music,you may use headphones to create a wall of privacy thus creating a comfort zone for you and depending if your in public or around people in general.